Star Trek is a popular science fiction franchise centered around Starfleet, an intergalactic exploratory and defense armada in a far off future. It began with the eponymous 1966 TV series, and has expanded to a vast array of connected series and films, as well as other tie-in media.
Over the years, several publishers have owned the license to produce Star Trek comics, including DC Comics and WildStorm Productions. Since 2007, the majority of comics in the franchise have been produced by IDW Publishing. Many of these comics are not considered canon to the Star Trek universe.
Ongoing Series
Limited Series
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: N-Vector (Volume 1)
- Star Trek: Divided We Fall (Volume 1)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation (Volume 1)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Perchance to Dream (Volume 1)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation - Shadowheart (Volume 1)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Killing Shadows (Volume 1)
- Star Trek: Voyager: Planet Killer (Volume 1)
- Who's Who in Star Trek (Volume 1)
- Star Trek III: The Search for Spock #1
- Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home #1
- Star Trek V: The Final Frontier #1
- Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country #1
- Star Trek: All of Me #1
- Star Trek: Debt of Honor #1
- Star Trek: Enter the Wolves #1
- Star Trek: Generations #1
- Star Trek: New Frontier: Double Time #1
- Star Trek Special #1
- Star Trek Special (Volume 2) #1
- Star Trek: The Ashes of Eden
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Embrace the Wolf #1
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Forgiveness #1
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Gorn Crisis #1
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Series Finale #1
- Star Trek: Voyager: Avalon Rising #1
- Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force #1
- Star Trek: Voyager: False Colors #1
- Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War (Volume 1)
- Star Trek/Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds (Volume 1)
- Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 1)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation/Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Volume 1)
See Also
- Characters from Star Trek
- Other things related to Star Trek
- Star Trek's Comic Appearances
- Reality Gallery: Star Trek