DC Database

Star Trek is a series of comics based on the Gene Roddenberry television series Star Trek and the subsequent films. From February 1984 through February 1996, DC Comics held the license to publish comic books based upon the Star Trek franchise, namely Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation. The main DC Comics Star Trek title was published in two volumes, comprising 136 issues, 9 annuals, and a number of special issues. Two volumes were also published based upon Star Trek: the Next Generation, plus several mini-series that linked TOS and TNG. Volume 2 begins after the events of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and was first published in October 1989, almost a year to the cancellation of Volume 1. It ran for 24 more issues then its predecessor and ended in February 1996.





  • Star Trek: Tests of Courage (1994)
  • Star Trek: Revisitations (1995)
