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The Starstriker is a weapon created by the Dominators to destroy Weber's World.
Under Universo's hypnosis, Ambassador Relnic proposed to Ambassador Wuuthlan to sign a peace treaty in the Dominion quadrant[1] while would be accompanied by three members of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Back on Earth the President of Earth outlawed the Legion of Super-Heroes and cut ties with the Dominion,feeling betrayed Wuuthlan set an ambush with three warships against the legionnaries and the ambassador of the Earth but his troops were easily driven back by Mon-El and Ultraboy[2].
Unknown time later Wuuthlan secretly built a military complex on the planet Kathoon to create a weapon of mass destruction to use against the United Planets, more specifically Weber's World as revenge for his humiliation.
The Starstriker gigantic cannon that is powered by a Fusion Powersphere (which is capable of ensuring light and heat for an entire planet) and store this energy in bio-chambers to be used later. With a single shot the cannon was able to destroy a huge asteroid near Kathoon . [3].
See Also
- Appearances of Starstriker (weapon)
- Item Gallery: Starstriker (weapon)
- Images featuring Starstriker (weapon)