Strange Adventures (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1962. It was published on January 25, 1962.
Synopsis for "Secret of the Dinosaur Skeleton!"
Appearing in "Secret of the Dinosaur Skeleton!"
Featured Characters:
- Jim Hanson, explorer
Supporting Characters:
- Queen Oarda of Gondwanaland (Flashback and main story)
- King Kandar of Mu (Flashback and main story)
Other Characters:
- Kandar's Brontosaurus (Flashback and main story)
- Earth-One
- Caroline Islands
- Dublon Island
- Mu (Flashback only) (Destroyed)
- Gondwanaland (Flashback only) (Destroyed)
- Cilisa-clock
- Hibernivault
Synopsis for "The Man Who Climbed into Space!"
Appearing in "The Man Who Climbed into Space!"
Featured Characters:
- Walt Davis
Supporting Characters:
- Nord
- Myolar
Other Characters:
Synopsis for Atomic Knights: "The Attack of the Giant Dogs"
Appearing in Atomic Knights: "The Attack of the Giant Dogs"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Giant Dalmatians (First appearance)
- Khagan (Final appearance)
Other Characters: Locations:
- "Secret of the Dinosaur Skeleton!" was reprinted in From Beyond the Unknown #14.
- The story implies that the Moon emerged from a piece detached of the supercontinent Gondwana less than 150 million years ago. On Earth-One this may be true, but in our timeline, the Moon is almost as old as Earth.
- Researchers proposed in 2015 that Brontosaurus is a genus separate from Apatosaurus.
- Dublon Island is also known as Tonowas.
- Gondwanaland was a supercontinent that existed from the Neoproterozoic (about 550 million years ago) until the Jurassic (about 180 million years ago).
- Oarda cries, in the end: "When the men finally journey to the Moon, I shall go with them... to return home... after 150 million years!" The first manned flight to the Moon ocurred in 1969 (This book was published in 1962).
- Oarda's hair is blond in this story and her suit cover her legs; in From Beyond the Unknown reprint, her hair was recolored white and she has bare legs, but the flashback millions years ago shows her blond in the reprint.
- "The Attack of the Giant Dogs!" was reprinted in Strange Adventures #224, The Atomic Knights and Showcase Presents: The Great Disaster Featuring the Atomic Knights.
See Also
Links and References
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Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.