Strange Adventures (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1963.
Synopsis for "The Man With The Head of Saturn"
A Saturnian summons American soldiers to fight his twin brother, who rules Jupiter. The evil brother, on other hand, summons URSS soldiers.
Appearing in "The Man With The Head of Saturn"
Featured Characters:
- Prof. Bill Smathers
- Eddie Bender
- Other fellow former soldiers
Supporting Characters:
- Kandare Ohl (Single appearance)
- Alagor Von (Single appearance; dies)
- URSS soldiers
Other Characters:
- Calder College
- Saturn (planet)
- Jupiter (planet)
- Korean War (Mentioned only)
Synopsis for Atomic Knights: "Threat of the Witch-Woman"
The Atomic Knights help to heal a woman who is manifesting strange demons to exist.
Appearing in Atomic Knights: "Threat of the Witch-Woman"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Fred Dromer (First appearance)
- Henrietta Dromer (First appearance)
- Dr. Pickering
- Fallow (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Earth-86
- 1992
- Durvale
- Harrow
- New Orleans
- 1992
- Berry-fuel powered Knights' Auto
- The two stories have, directly or indirectly, the influence of the Cold War as a context of that age.
- 1992, in the Atomic Knights' story, describes a then alternative future (this book was written in 1963). The atomic holocaust that devastated Earth-86 occurred in an alternative 1986.
- Harrow, in the same story, is not one of the homonymous cities, but it is located in the USA.
- "The Man with the Head of Saturn" case is investigated by the cops Paul Lincoln and John Jones in DC Universe Legacies Vol 1 3.
See Also