As all here know, while battling the creature known as Synnar the Demiurge, Rann's atmosphere was explosively discharged into outer Space. Fortunately Rann's entire population was zeta beamed here, to Throneworld, mere moments before this catastrophe occurred.
- — Sardath
Strange Adventures (Volume 3) #1 is an issue of the series Strange Adventures (Volume 3) with a cover date of May, 2009. It was published on March 4, 2009.
Synopsis for "Starting Over"
With Rann's atmosphere destroyed, Gavyn spoke to Sardath and the Rannian Council on Adam Strange's behalf. The remainder of Rann was zeta beamed to Gavyn's Throneworld. Gavyn informs the council that Adam convince the Weird to overload his molecular system in order to create an excess of electrical energy. Adam then transported the Weird into Synnar which caused the galactic tyrant to disincorporate but the discharge destroyed Rann's atmosphere. Gavyn tries to convinces the council that Strange received a prediction from Synnar that Rann's destruction would be inevitable. Regardless, Sardath and the Rann Council condemned Strange for his failure to protect Rann.
On Rann, Adam and Alanna salvage items for Sardath like a fusion generator. When they return, they are greeted by their daughter Aleea and Prince Gavyn. Gavyn informs Adam that someone is trespassing in the Imperial Space Sector. A Thanagarian scout ship was observing the atmospheric radiation on Rann which has increased tremendously in the last three days. The pilots of the scout ship are taken by surprise when the Weird appears before them but Synnar's voice. When Adam and Gavyn arrive, they notice a gaping hole in the universe and it isn't black hole.
Meanwhile on Hardcore, Captain Comet surveys this massive commercial satellite comprised of five financial empires. Comet no longer plays the hero but instead carries himself off as a information courier. Comet is ambushed by a group of mobsters who work for the Mortician. Comet and his partner in crime Tigorr promised to supply the Mortician with bank data. Comet tells the Mortician that he doesn't have what was promised so he has goons intimidate Comet. Comet uses his psychic abilities to immobilize the Mortician's muscle but then the Mortician summons his telepath.
Comet escapes by teleporting himself to Hardcore's sewer system which is under the municipal level. Comet calls Chief Justice Max to get some intel on the Mortician. Max tells Comet that the Mortician is politically connected to the Entreplaneteurs Inc. Max suggests that Comet leave Hardcore for a time while the Chief Justice uses whatever pull he has with the Entreplaneteurs Inc. to smooth things over with the Mortician. Unfortunately, Comet can leave Hardcore without making a living. Max will do what he can to assist Comet financially but for the time being he must remain incognito.
Appearing in "Starting Over"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- The Mortician (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Hardcore Station
- The Hole
- Old Rann
- New Rann
Synopsis for "A Minor Incident..."
Deacon Dark has assumed leadership of the Eternal Light Corporation in Synnar's absence. He conducts a ritual in order to summon one of the chosen Aberrant Six, Synnar's reluctant playthings that would enable him to manipulate the universe. Unfortunately, Dark's retrieval spell to summon Hawkman failed due to Deacon Coriolis' clumsy nature. Instead, the spell summons Bizarro to an unknown dimension and Dark instructs Coriolis to bring the supposed Hawkman back to him. Bizarro is confused at first but then Synnar assumes the form of Superman and speaks to Bizarro. Synnar explains to Bizarro that he has been chosen to be the Warrior of the Aberrant Six. Synnar intends to put Bizarro on a journey that will enhance his mental capability.
Appearing in "A Minor Incident..."
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Coriolis (First appearance)
Other Characters: