Strange Suspense Stories was an anthology comic published by Charlton. It was originally titled Lawbreakers, and then Lawbreakers Suspense Stories before becoming Strange Suspense Stories with issue 16. And then it changed to This Is Suspense for four issues (#23-26) before going back to Strange Suspense Stories. Near the end of its run, it featured Captain Atom, and then after issue 77 it became Captain Atom (Volume 1).
The only issues indexed in this database are #75– #77 -- the issues with Captain Atom stories
- Lawbreakers #1-9 (not indexed)
- Lawbreakers Suspense Stories #10-15 (not indexed)
- Strange Suspense Stories #16-22 (not indexed)
- This Is Suspense #23-26 (not indexed)
- Strange Suspense Stories #27-74 (not indexed)
- Strange Suspense Stories #75
- Strange Suspense Stories #76
- Strange Suspense Stories #77
See Also
- Cover Gallery: Strange Suspense Stories Vol 1
- No catalogued images.