Suicide Squad: The Black Vault is the first collection of Suicide Squad (Volume 5), collecting the first 4 issues as well as the Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1 one-shot.
- Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1 (Rebirth)
- Suicide Squad (Volume 5) #1 (The Black Vault, Part One: I Wanna Be Sedated)
- Suicide Squad (Volume 5) #2 (The Black Vault, Part Two: Blitzkrieg Bop)
- Suicide Squad (Volume 5) #3 (The Black Vault, Part Three: Bad Brain)
- Suicide Squad (Volume 5) #4 (The Black Vault, Part Four: Beat on the Brat)
- Suicide Squad (Volume 5) #1 (Never Miss)
- Suicide Squad (Volume 5) #2 (Boomerang: Agent of Oz)
- Suicide Squad (Volume 5) #3 (Choose)
- Suicide Squad (Volume 5) #4 (Full Mental Jacket)