DC Database

Quote1 Youse guys are villains? Why didn't ya say somethin'? Quote2
Harley Quinnsrc

Super Villain Girls is a super-team made up for Catwoman and five teen villains that operate around Metropolis.



The team was formed after the Super Hero Girls thwarted Catwoman's robbery. When Kara realized that she couldn't do it all alone, she called her friends to help her stop Catwoman. Finding herself outnumbered, Catwoman leaves her bag with the stolen gems behind, and she thinks that the best thing is that she has to get new friends.

And so it happened: Selina managed to befriend four other students, Doris Zeul, Leslie Willis, Carol Ferris, and Pam Isley. Then Harleen Quinzel, an old friend of Barbara Gordon's before she met her new friends, also moves from Gotham City to Metropolis, and Barbara wants Harleen to join her new circle of friends, and though Diana, Kara, Jessica, Zee and Karen do their best to cheer up Babs, realize that Harleen is a bit annoying, and reject her.

When Barbara realizes that her new friends aren't willing to give Harleen a second chance, she gets away from them, determined to end their friendship and continue with Harleen like old times. Harleen tells Barbara that she has also met new friends and wants her to come along, only for Babs finds out that are treated Selina and her friends. The two girls go their separate ways, with Harleen deciding to be with Selina and the others for now while Barbara heads home. Selina and her friends invite Harleen to destroy mailboxes, to which she agrees by destroying the post office. Impressed by her great deed, Selina invites Harleen to have some real, real fun by revealing that she and the other four are villains. Harleen assumes her identity as Harley Quinn and joins them, thus forming the Super Villain Girls.

Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse

The Super Villain Girls were recruited by Lex Luthor to join his newly formed team of villains, the Legion of Doom, to get rid of all superheroes. However, Harley Quinn realized that the Legion was going too far, so she left both teams and helped the heroes save the world. And when the Super Hero Girls gave each other a victory hug, they accepted Harley into their team.

See Also

Links and References

