DC Database

"The Fantastic Faces!": A television show, "The Superboy of Earth", assembled from footage taken of Superboy in action, is almost a hit on the other-dimensional world of Thraxx, except for one problem: the youth who watch the show are turned off by the advanced age of Supe

Superboy #145 is an issue of the series Superboy (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1968. It was published on January 2, 1968.

Synopsis for "The Fantastic Faces!"

A television show, "The Superboy of Earth", assembled from footage taken of Superboy in action, is almost a hit on the other-dimensional world of Thraxx, except for one problem: the youth who watch the show are turned off by the advanced age of Superboy's parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent. To save his show, Jolax, the producer, arranges for the Kents to drink a diluted youth serum from his world, which rejuvenates the Kents physically back to their thirties. To cover for their rejuvenation, Superboy and the Kents arrange for other people their age to drink the well water at a party, with all of them becoming younger as well. To his chagrin, the producer of the Superboy program learns that his sponsors want a Superman show.

Appearing in "The Fantastic Faces!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Tightrope Taylor (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Jolax (Single appearance)
  • Mya (Single appearance)




Synopsis for "Superboy Meets William Tell!"

This story is reprinted from Superboy #84.

Clark Kent is assigned to write a report on William Tell. He goes back in time as Superboy to do research, and ends up helping Tell train to shoot the apple off his son's head. Then he helps Tell and his rebels nab Gessler, before coming home.

Appearing in "Superboy Meets William Tell!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • William Tell


  • Albrecht Gessler

Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References
