DC Database

"Superboy Meets Super-Brave!": A supposedly-magic outfit gives weak Indian brave Little Mouse great powers of strength while Superboy's powers are sapped.

Superboy #41 is an issue of the series Superboy (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1955.

Synopsis for "Superboy Meets Super-Brave!"

A supposedly-magic outfit gives weak Indian brave Little Mouse great powers of strength while Superboy's powers are sapped.

Appearing in "Superboy Meets Super-Brave!"

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Synopsis for "The Junior Sleuths of Smallville!"

Students at a night class in criminology get a chance to practice their skills when Professor Lang gets them to try to track down a stolen golden mask, which may have been taken by his daughter Lana.

Appearing in "The Junior Sleuths of Smallville!"

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Synopsis for "Pa Kent's Dilemma!"

Jonathan Kent writes in his journal describing his experiences as Superboy's father. He relates an account in which his wife Martha Kent accidentally swallowed a batch of truth serum intended for use by the police. The serum caused Martha to blurt out bits of information that betrayed Superboy's identity as Clark Kent. At one point she tells Lana Lang that Clark wears a costume underneath his clothes but Clark then creates a diversion by causing the kitchen oven to overheat with his heat vision. Martha reveals that she is sorry for the incident but she cannot help herself. On another occasion Martha shows a neighbor a baby picture of Clark lifting a heavy chair as a baby. The woman is amazed but Jonathan breaks a flower vase to interrupt the conversation. In the meantime, Superboy creates a chair using paper to explain to the neighbor how he was able to lift the chair in the baby picture. Superboy is suddenly called away by a radio message informing him that a stranded airliner with 19 passengers has disappeared in the mountains. Martha immediately gets on the phone and contacts a radio station informing them not to fear since her son Superboy is on his way to the rescue. Jonathan is able to cut the telephone wire just in time to avoid the full message leaking out to the station. Martha becomes frustrated that she cannot share her news and writes a letter to the news station. Superboy tracks down the letter to the news office and blows the letter into a tray with his super breath. The tray is marked Tall Tale contest entries. The letter is read by an office employee but its contents are assumed to be fictitious and the letter is set aside. The truth serum soon wears off and Martha resumes her old habits of guarding Superboys identity with her discretion.

Appearing in "Pa Kent's Dilemma!"

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See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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