Superboy (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1960.
Synopsis for "The Weakling from Earth!"
Superboy, in space, finds an unmanned rocket sent by Jor-El, and drifts into the gravitational field of Xenon, a Krypton-sized planet under a red sun. There, he discovers that the Xenonites have super-strength, super-speed, super-breath, and flight powers, since their planet was originally much larger than Krypton but was shrunk by "cosmic forces." Superboy has no powers on Xenon and is unable to return to Earth, but is adopted by two Xenonites, Ral and Zinnia Quorz. Later, he is discovered to be a weakling by the Weakling Search Squad, and exiled by order of the tyrant Zozz to the "Weakling World". But his powers are restored by a freak effect of Red Kryptonite, and he leads a revolt against Zozz that dethrones the tyrant. Rings of radiant material formed by an atomic weapon exploding a mountain are formed about the planet, removing the Xenonites' powers. A democratic government is instituted on Xenon, and Superboy returns to Earth before his Red K-boosted powers fade.
Appearing in "The Weakling from Earth!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Zozz (Xenon's leader) (Single appearance)
- The Weakling Search Squad (Single appearance)
- Kang (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Ral Quorz (Superboy's adoptive father on Xenon) (Single appearance)
- Jinnia (Superboy's adoptive mother on Xenon) (Single appearance)
- Llela Llark (Single appearance)
- Varl Quorz (Ral's son) (Single appearance)
- Several unnamed weaklings
- The Planet Xenon (Single appearance)
Synopsis for "The Millionaire Pupil!"
Superboy teaches a snobbish young millionaire boy that all his money won't make him a good & decent person, that he has to work for that.
Appearing in "The Millionaire Pupil!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Peter Perkins (Snobbish rich boy) (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Clark Kent's teacher
- Several unnamed classmates of Clark Kent's
- Peter Perkin's limousine
"The Millionaire Pupil" is reprinted in Adventure Comics #344
See Also