First... The wench with hair of flame shall be my consort... And the young mage who would oppose me shall be vanquished! Then shall Dr. Chaos rule!
Superboy (Volume 2) #25 is an issue of the series Superboy (Volume 2) with a cover date of January, 1982.
Synopsis for "The Man Who Kidnapped Nature!"
When Prof. Lewis Lang and his assistant Burt Belker bring back the Chaos Helmet from the Valley of Ur, Belker dons it, is possessed by a Lord of Chaos, and becomes the evil sorcerer Dr. Chaos.
Appearing in "The Man Who Kidnapped Nature!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Doctor Chaos (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Mesopotamia
- Valley of Ur
- Smallville, Kansas
- Helmet of Chaos (First appearance)
- Superboy Robot
See Also
Recommended Reading
- Superboy Recommended Reading
- Adventure Comics (Volume 1)
- Superboy (Volume 1)
- Superboy (Volume 2)
- Superboy (Volume 4)
- Superboy (Volume 5)
- Superboy (Volume 6)
- Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 1)
- Superboy and the Ravers (Volume 1)
- Young Justice (Volume 1)
- Young Justice (Volume 3)
- Teen Titans (Volume 3)
- Teen Titans (Volume 4)
- Doctor Fate Recommended Reading
- The Book of Fate (Volume 1)
- Countdown to Mystery (Volume 1)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 1)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 2)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 3)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 4)
- Fate (Volume 1)
- The Flash (Volume 1): The Flash #306– #313
- Helmet of Fate (Volume 1)
- Immortal Doctor Fate (Volume 1)
- JSA (Volume 1)
- More Fun Comics (Volume 1)