That clod! I practically throw myself at him and all he can talk about is mousey Lisa Davis! Well, I'll show him who needs who... 'Cause I'm going to land the prize catch-boy in the whole county... And then you'll see what you're missing, Clark Kent!
Superboy (Volume 2) #53 is an issue of the series Superboy (Volume 2) with a cover date of May, 1984.
Synopsis for "To Slay A Superboy"
Councilman and profiteer Gary Simmons seeks a way to rub out Jonathan Kent, while aliens from Drulok ally themselves with the Superboy Revenge Squad against Superboy.
Appearing in "To Slay A Superboy"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Jonathan Kent
- Martha Kent
- Lana Lang
- Krypto the Super-Dog
- Lisa Davis (Mentioned only)
- Superboy Revenge Squad
- Leader
- Druloks
- Commander Herzz
- Navigator Drevv
- Gary Simmons
- Hite
Other Characters:
- Chief Parker
- Lex Luthor (Mentioned only)
- Lewis Lang (Mentioned only)
- Earth
- Smallville
- Metropolis (Mentioned only)
- Jkeron
- Dustworld
- Drulok (Mentioned only)
See Also