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DC Database

"How To Stamp Out a Superboy": The Kents' memories have been tampered with telepathically by Jax-Ur, Faora Hu-Ul and General Zod in the Phantom Zone. But Martha's memory returns when she nears a space jewel from Superboy's secret collection, and she and Jonathan realize what has been done to the

Quote1 How pleasing it is to our all-seeing eyes! With each super-feat, the son of Jor-El grows more reckless... More careless! Quote2
General Zod

Superboy (Volume 2) #9 is an issue of the series Superboy (Volume 2) with a cover date of September, 1980. It was published on June 24, 1980.

Synopsis for "How To Stamp Out a Superboy"

The Kents' memories have been tampered with telepathically by Jax-Ur, Faora Hu-Ul and General Zod in the Phantom Zone. But Martha's memory returns when she nears a space jewel from Superboy's secret collection, and she and Jonathan realize what has been done to them and who has done it. Superboy is almost on the point of leaving Earth when he discovers that they have set a fire in the Kent house to attract his attention. After dousing the fire, Superboy has a reunion with his parents, and the Zoners have failed again.

Appearing in "How To Stamp Out a Superboy"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Day of the Lost Clothing"

After Bash Bashford almost learns Superboy's secret identity by finding Clark Kent's offcast clothes, Clark has Martha Kent design a cape pouch in which he can store his civilian clothes while in his Superboy identity.

Appearing in "Day of the Lost Clothing"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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