Bunker Hill is an episode of season 4 of Supergirl. It premiered on December 2, 2018.
Synopsis for "Bunker Hill"
Appearing in "Bunker Hill"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Department of Extranormal Operations (Earth-38)
- Eliza Danvers (Earth-38)
- Guardian/James Olsen (Earth-38)
- Col. Lauren Haley (Earth-38)
- Lena Luthor (Earth-38)
- Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz (Earth-38)
- Nia Nal (Earth-38) (Also in dream sequence)
- Agent Liberty/Ben Lockwood (Earth-38) (Also in dream sequence)
- Children of Liberty
- Frank
- Children of Liberty
- Manchester Black (Earth-38) (Also in dream sequence)
- President Phil Baker (Earth-38)
Other Characters:
- Captain Cold/Leonard Snart (Earth-90) (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies) (Cameo)
- Captain Cold/Leonard Wynters (Earth-90) (Dies) (Cameo)
- Firestorm (Earth-90) (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies) (Cameo)
- The Flash/Barry Allen (Earth-90) (Cameo)
- Green Arrow (Earth-90) (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies) (Cameo)
- Hawkgirl (Earth-90) (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies) (Cameo)
- Hawkman (Earth-90) (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies) (Cameo)
- The Huntress (Earth-90) (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies) (Cameo)
- Jesse Quick (Earth-90) (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies) (Cameo)
- Lydia Lockwood (Earth-38) (Also in dream sequence)
- Mackenzie (Earth-38) (Cameo)
- The Monitor (Earth-1) (First appearance; unnamed) (Cameo)
- NCPD (Earth-38)
- Obsidian (Earth-90) (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies) (Cameo)
- The Ray (Earth-90) (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies) (Cameo)
- Stargirl (Earth-90) (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies) (Cameo)
- Yvette (Earth-38) (First appearance)
- Fiona Byrne (Earth-38) (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Lois Lane (Earth-38) (Mentioned only)
- Naltorians (Earth-38) (Mentioned only)
- Peter Lockwood (Earth-38) (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- United States Government (Earth-38) (Mentioned only)
- United States Secret Service (Earth-38) (Mentioned only)
- Multiverse
- Earth-38
- United States of America
- Earth
- Collinwood
- Lockwood Family Steel (Also in dream sequence)
- National City
- CatCo Worldwide Media
- D.E.O. HQ
- Washington, D.C.
- White House (On a TV or computer screen)
- Collinwood
- Naltor (Mentioned only)
- Earth
- United States of America
- Earth-90 (In ruins) (Destroyed)
- Speed Force (Behind the scenes)
- The Legion of Super-Heroes' Future (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
- 31st Century (Mentioned only)
- Earth-38
- Book of Destiny (First appearance; unnamed) (Cameo)
- Cosmic Staff (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- The Monitor's Suit (First appearance)
- Legion Flight Ring
- Nth Metal (Cameo)
- The Elseworlds (Unnamed)
- Magic
- Metahumans
- Supergirl's story is continued in the first part of the Elseworlds' crossover with The Flash and Arrow
- The epilogue, which is directed by The Flash actor, Tom Cavanagh, is a preview of Part 1 and will be also repeated in the epilogues of the Arrow episode, "Unmasked", and The Flash episode, "What's Past Is Prologue".
- No trivia.
See Also
- 1 Images from Supergirl (TV Series) Episode: Bunker Hill
- Episodes of Supergirl (TV Series)
- Images from Supergirl (TV Series)
- Gallery for the Supergirl (TV Series) series
Recommended Media
- None.
Links and References
- None.