Supergirl (Volume 2) #14 is an issue of the series Supergirl (Volume 2) with a cover date of December, 1983.
Synopsis for "Star Light, Star Bright... Blackstarr Rises Tonight"
Supergirl battles Blackstarr over the skies of Chicago. Although Supergirl is powerful, Blackstarr somehow commands cosmic energies and hits extremely hard. She alters gravity, produces electromagnetic waves, forms black holes or sends forth barrages of photons at will. Supergirl endures everything the best she can and hits back, declaring she will not let her hurt innocent people. Blackstarr calls her a fool, summons a space warp and teleports herself away.
Supergirl knows it'd be a waste of time hunting Blackstarr down right now so she grudgingly descends, changes clothes and reunites with her boyfriend Philip Decker.
On Linda Danvers' apartment building, Linda's friend Joan shows Supergirl beating the neo-nazis on the rally to their landlady to try to cheer her up, but Mrs. Berkowitz finds nothing to be cheerful about: she doesn't think they beating the neo-nazis up instead the nazis beating them up will solve nothing. She's sick of violence and only wants to live her old age in peace. Feeling progressively upset and depressed, Mrs. Berkowitz picks up a photo of her family, muttering they took her husband and daughter and they've come for her now.
Linda and Philip are walking into the building when they hear Mrs. Berkowitz screaming. Linda and Phil rush into Berkowitz's apartment and find their landlady shocked and frightened. The leader of the neo-nazi group is a dead ringer for her daughter Rachel who was supposedly killed in the camps in 1941.
Linda studies the picture and admits Blackstarr looks right like Rachel, but she tries to talk Mrs. Berkowitz out: Blackstarr is too young to be her daughter or even granddaughter, and she's now a monster at any rate. Mrs. Berkowitz states she knows Linda is right, but she's got to know.
On the "Party for Social Reform"'s headquarters, two goons are worried about the skirmish before in the park and the police's probable reaction. They're considering to lay low for a while when Blackstarr shows up, commands them to go ahead with the plan and teleports away. Knowing they can't back down now, both men arm themselves.
In the meantime, on Linda's apartment, she and Phil are enjoying each other's company when Phil suddenly has to leave to go to work. A rehearsal on a Sunday night seems strange to Linda, but she shrugs it off and says goodbye, feeling euphoric.
At night, Blackstarr's followers fire-bomb a synagogue. Linda hears the explosion and right away changes into Supergirl and rushes towards the place. Supergirl gets a rabbi out, but the old man dies by smoke inhalation.
Supergirl gets utterly mad and takes to the skies, shouting the name of Blackstarr. Blackstarr shows up, laughing out loud, and Supergirl engages her immediately. Their battle is reported on radio, which reaches Ida's ears. The woman heads to the battle site.
As Supergirl dodges barrages of black holes, Blackstarr gloats about her powers. Supergirl replies she doesn't care what her gimmick is, she'll find a way to turn it off after putting her away. Blackstarr says it can't be done: she succeeded in unlocking the Unified Field Theory which Einstein failed to solve. She fully understands how the forces of the universe act and is capable to command them.
Supergirl manages to get close enough to punch her and keeps at it to not give her a chance to recover.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Berkowitz has made it to the place. When she sees Blackstar she exclaims "Rachel!", and Blackstarr turns and stammers "M-momma?"
Appearing in "Star Light, Star Bright... Blackstarr Rises Tonight"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Hymie Berkowitz (In a photograph only)
- Streaky II
- Nathan Zuber
- Albert Einstein (Mentioned only)