DC Database

"The Future Begins Today!": Supergirl attempts to engage the futuristic Barry Metzner in battle, only to find him able to become intangible. He teleports away to a laboratory somewhere in Lincoln Park and

Supergirl (Volume 2) #23 is an issue of the series Supergirl (Volume 2) with a cover date of September, 1984.

Synopsis for "The Future Begins Today!"

Supergirl attempts to engage the futuristic Barry Metzner in battle, only to find him able to become intangible. He teleports away to a laboratory somewhere in Lincoln Park and remembers his origin: a young Barry Metzner created an evolution machine to unlock the potential of his mind by turning him into a future man. But the results frightened him, and he reversed the process just in time, restoring himself to normal. Still, the futuristic mutant within him strove for supremacy, and only by forgetting the incident through self-hypnosis could Metzner suppress his mutated self. Now it dominates him. The mutant later projects a huge image of himself above Chicago and declares himself the ruler of the city, but Supergirl appears and battles him. During the course of the fight, she detects Metzner's heartbeat within him and deduces that Metzner is the mutant. Supergirl talks to the mutant, urging that portion of him which is Metzner to take control again, and then deceives him into thinking he has destroyed her with a mental blast. The anguish of guilt causes the mutant to revert to Dr. Metzner again, and Supergirl reappears. A grateful, normalized Metzner tells her that he is firmly in control of his other self. She informs him that he will still have to do some explaining to the law. Later, Linda Danvers is surprised by a visit from an old friend, Dick Malverne.

Appearing in "The Future Begins Today!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Solo #1 continues from the end of this story.

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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