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""Picking Over the Bones"": Supergirl, Krypto and Z'ndr Kol have reached the ruins of Krypton, and the Kryptonian pair are getting ill due to the high levels of Kryptonite radiation. After putting herself and

Quote1 Was my father's invention what killed Krypton?! Was it?! Father, what did you do?! Quote2

Supergirl (Volume 7) #25 is an issue of the series Supergirl (Volume 7) with a cover date of February, 2019. It was published on December 12, 2018.

Synopsis for "Picking Over the Bones"

Supergirl, Krypto and Z'ndr Kol have reached the ruins of Krypton, and the Kryptonian pair are getting ill due to the high levels of Kryptonite radiation. After putting herself and Krypto on a filtering-radiation suit, Kara decides to go out of the rocket to figure out why the anti-radiation shields were damaged.

Suddenly she is attacked by an unknown alien who calls herself Splyce, the caretaker of Krypton. Kara tries to fight Splyce off, but her enemy is tough and she's low-powered. As if that were not enough, the K-radiation is overwhelming her suit's filtering systems, and she starts having Kryptonite-induced hallucinations. As battling, a hallucination has her father build a device capable of restarting a planet's core. Kara notices such a device is very similar to that Rogol Zaar attempted to destroy Earth with.

Supergirl fights on, and she's hit by Splyce's solar blasts. Kara realizes Splyce must be a genetically engineered weapon made of different alien genes, including Tamaranean DNA, and feeling fully charged, Kara comes up with a risky plan: she asks Kol to rerout her suit's full energy into her as she pounces on Splyce. Kara fights both her adversary and hallucinations where Zaar boasts that her father helped him out. Then Kara blasts her full energy and her suit's into Splyce, overloading her energy-absorbing Tamaranean genes.

All of sudden, Supergirl and Splyce are whisked away. Fortunately there's a tracking device in her suit. As Kol and Krypto start looking for her, Kara and Splyce are teleported to the Citadel at the end of the universe, where Splyce's creator, Harry Hokum notes satisfied that he has seized a Kryptonian to experiment with.

Appearing in "Picking Over the Bones"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Harry Hokum (First appearance) (Cameo)
  • Rogol Zaar (Hallucination)

Other Characters:

  • Kryptonians (Flashback only)
    • Alura In-Ze (Zombified) (Hallucination)
    • Zor-El (Zombified) (Flashback and main story) (Also as an hallucination) (Also as a statue)
  • Dryadians (Mentioned only)
  • Durlans (Mentioned only)
  • Frankenstein (Mentioned only)
  • Gods (Mentioned only)
    • P'llcyd (Mentioned only)
  • Tamaraneans (Mentioned only)
  • Z'ndr Kol's family (Deceased) (Mentioned only)




Synopsis for "Z'ndr Kol and the Lost Colony"

As exploring an uninhabited remot planet, Z'ndr Kol happens upon remains of an alien colony. Surprised because there were no records of that cluster being colonized, Kol finds evidence that place was a Kryptonian outpost, but someone attacked the colony and killed everyone.

Kol is then attacked by hostile aliens. He manages to escape, but he can't help but ponder about his attackers' identity and the outpost's fate. As he makes his way back to his ship, Kol finds some unknown Kryptonian artifact. Kol takes the relic with him, ignoring the same sign engraved on Rogol Zaar's axe is etched in both the monolith and the face of the planetoid he is leaving.

Appearing in "Z'ndr Kol and the Lost Colony"

Featured Characters:

  • Z'ndr Kol

Supporting Characters:


  • The Circle (Behind the scenes)
  • Idieg Cluster Indigens (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Kryptonian (Single appearance; dies) (On a TV or computer screen)
  • "Mom" (Mentioned only)


  • Idieg Prime Cluster


  • Ch'tyl Flower
  • The Obelisk (First appearance)


  • Z'ndr Kol's Spaceship


Synopsis for "The Plourott"

Supergirl returns home after helping Ice fight a giant robot Megazon and finds her adoptive parents donated some things she had outgrown to the Midvale Orphanage. Accidentally, Eliza gave away one box where Kara had hidden a plourott, a stuffed animal of sorts that her mother put in her ship before her departure.

Supergirl decides to sneak into the Orphanage and retrieve her memento quietly, but she is found by orphaned kids who think she has come for their Christmas party. Since a little girl named Rosa has already claimed her stuffed animal, Supergirl dismisses her previous plan. Since Rosa just lost her parents and yearns for snowy holidays, Supergirl gives Ice a call and both heroines give the kids a white Christmas.

Appearing in "The Plourott"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Megazon (First appearance) (Flashback only)

Other Characters:

  • Alura In-Ze (Flashback only)
  • Kal-El (Flashback only) (Cameo)
  • Kelex (Flashback only) (Cameo)
  • Midvale Orphanage kids (Single appearance)
    • Rosa (Single appearance)
  • Rosa's parents (Unnamed) (Deceased) (Mentioned only)



  • Plourott (Single appearance) (Flashback and main story)



  • This issue states that Krypton was located in the constellation Corvus, 27.1 light-years from Earth.
  • The third story is stated to take place six months after Supergirl's arrival on Earth. This is a continuity mistake, since Supergirl: Rebirth #1 has over one year passed prior to her adoption.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
