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"The Mermaid from Metropolis!": While vacationing in Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii, Lois Lane learns of an impending visit by Superman to celebrate Hawaii's admission as the 50th state of the USA. The next day, Lois goes skin diving and while exploring a sunken ship is caught in a sea-qu

Quote1 Oh, you dear, generous girl! I couldn't be the good loser you are! If I were in your shoes, I'd scratch my eyes out for that dirty trick! Quote2
Lana Lang

Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #12 is an issue of the series Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1959.

Synopsis for "The Mermaid from Metropolis!"

While vacationing in Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii, Lois Lane learns of an impending visit by Superman to celebrate Hawaii's admission as the 50th state of the USA. The next day, Lois goes skin diving and while exploring a sunken ship is caught in a sea-quake which causes part of the derelict ship to topple on her trapping her underwater. She is soon rescued by Aquaman who takes her to a hospital in Honolulu where a doctor examines her. The doctor tells Aquaman that she's crippled and will never walk again and that only an unorthodox procedure that can save her life. The doctor preforms the operation and later when Lois awakens from her coma, Aquaman is there to break the news to her: in order to save her life, the doctor had to make her effectively a mermaid.

Soon Aquaman begins showing her what life under the sea is like and helps her feel at home and get accustomed to her new life style. Lois soon becomes depressed however when Superman finally arrives in Hawaii for the celebration. When Superman leaves on some mission, he stops long enough to say hello to Lois, Lois doesn't tell Superman what has happened to her, much to the surprise of Aquaman.

Later while exploring the ocean some more, Aquaman is knocked out by some exploding depth charges, however one still remains unexploded threatening Lois, Aquaman and Aquaman's friends of the deep. Lois orders Aquaman's octopus Topo to throw the live depth charge into a nearby volcano. When it detonates it attracts the attention of Superman who comes to blow out the flames. Upon his arrival, Aquaman has woken up but Lois has passed out from exhaustion. Aquaman reveals to Superman what has happened to Lois.

Superman takes Lois back to the mainland to try and get the doctors to change her back to normal but none of the doctors have the skill to do so. Superman then uses his super powers in order to read everything available about medicine and performs the surgery himself, which is a success. With Lois back to normal, Aquaman bids the two farewell as Superman flies Lois back to Metropolis.

Appearing in "The Mermaid from Metropolis!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • None

Other Characters:

  • Boat Captain (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Aquaman
  • Topo
  • Doctor Hanson (Single appearance)
  • Whales
  • Sharks
  • Fish
  • Citizens of Hawaii (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • United States Navy (Behind the scenes)
  • Three Doctors (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)



  • 50 Star United States Flag
  • Depth Charge


  • Spanish Frigate Shipwreck (In ruins)
  • Freighter (In ruins)
  • United States Navy Submarine (Unnamed)

Synopsis for "The Girl Atlas!"

Lois Lane gets a package in the mail, thinking it's from a secret admirer she eagerly opens it. To her surprise, it's just a rabbit in a cage and she wonders how is survived without air holes, she is shocked to see it chew through its cage. She finds a card inside from a Professor Morris who claims to have created a formula to turn the average person into an Atlas. Going to visit the professor, she sees his formula at work when he performs a number of tests on another rabbit exposed to the serum by shooting it and dropping a 1 ton weight on it and causing no harm. To make sure that it has no ill effects on humans, the Professor gives Lois a vial of the chemical to give to Superman for testing.

Getting home she finds Lana Lang waiting outside her apartment. She tells Lois that her apartment is being painted and can't stand the smell and asks if she can stay the night at Lois' place. Lois accepts and tells Lana about the Atlas formula, leaving it in the bathroom. Lana sees this as an opportunity to win over Superman and later that evening goes to take a bath. While in the tub, Lana pours in the Atlas formula into the bath water behind Lois' back, and later shows off her newly acquired super-strength. Lois is furious and attempts to slap Lana in the face and finds that she is invulnerable as well.

The next day, Lana begins showing off her super abilities, and is dubbed "The Girl Atlas", Lois approaches Lana and in a feigned act of forgiveness, concedes to allow Lana to pursue Superman and even gives Lana a copy of Superman's daily schedule. This however, is Lois' plan on getting back at Lana for taking the formula behind he back. When Lana goes to help Superman her outfits are constantly getting ruined because they are not indestructible like hers: When she is helping Superman in a blast furnace her dress lights on fire, later when helping Superman place a corner stone for a building crooks toss a bomb at her.

Feeling like she's been humiliated in front of Superman, Lois advises her that she could win back Superman's respect if she puts on a series of super-feats that, in the end make her overly muscular and not as attractive. When Superman and Lois call on Lana later, she realizes that this was all Lois' plan on getting back at her for using the potion. After the professor calls in and tells Lois he lost his formula, Superman works on an antidote to restore Lana back to normal. The next day Lana tells Lois that she has learned her lesson and the two shake hands.

Appearing in "The Girl Atlas!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Foreign Leader (Unnamed) (Behind the scenes)
  • Foreign Spies
    • Igor (Cameo) (Single appearance)
    • Man (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Super Strength White Rabbit (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Professor Morris (Single appearance)
  • Four Members of the Press (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Wrestlers
    • Mac the Mountain (Cameo) (Single appearance)
    • Silo Sam (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Citizens of Metropolis
  • Emcee (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)


  • Metropolis
    • Daily Planet
    • Morris Laboratories
    • Lois Lane's Apartment
    • Blast Furnace
    • Future Courthouse Location
    • Theater (Unnamed)
      • Daily Planet Clean Air Fund
    • Lana Lang's Apartment
  • Smallville (Mentioned only)


  • Super Strength Formula
  • Atlas (Statue only)
  • Achilles (Statue only)
  • Rifle
    • Atomic Bullets
  • Daily Planet Newspaper
  • News World Newspaper


  • Foreign Spies Car
  • Diesel Locomotive

Synopsis for "Lois Lane Loves Clark Kent!"

After witnessing Clark Kent fall off the ledge o the Daily Planet building and land on his feet unharmed, she is once more convinced that he is really Superman. Instead of trying to expose this secret like previous times, she decides instead to romance and then ask Clark Kent to get him to marry her.

Letting Clark take her out to a Mandarin restaurant, she plants fortune cookies that all read the same fortune: That the person you are dining with is in love with you. After he and Lois get the same fortune, Clark uses his x-ray vision to reveal that all the cookies read the same. Later Lois expresses her love for Clark (and feigning lost interest in Superman) writes "Lois Lane Loves Clark Kent" on the side of a Superman statue in Metropolis Park before kissing him.

The next day Clark muses how he'd like to buy Lois an engagement ring however he cannot afford it on his salary. Knowing that as Superman, Clark could compress a lump of coal into a big diamond she would willingly gives Clark a check for $3000.00, her entire life savings hoping Clark will "buy" her a ring. Clark lets her down by spending money on a bunch of electronic equipment and a imitation silver ring with a chip diamond. Initially Lois is furious but she hides her anger and remembers that if all works out she will be Mrs. Superman.

When word gets out at the Daily Planet that a live bomb was accidentally dropped just outside of Metropolis, Lois impulsively goes to photograph it before it explodes, knowing that Superman will come to her rescue. Sure enough he does, and as he flies Lois to safety, he asks her about her engagement to Clark Kent. She "plays along" by spurring Superman in favor of Clark. When Lana Lang shows up at the Daily Planet to film footage for a practical joke TV series, she squirts Clark in the fact with a fake flower, which causes Clark to angrily dump a vase full of water on Lana's head. Witnessing this, Lois realizes that Clark has quite the temper. Later when fellow Planet reporter says that he has enough evidence to lead to the capture of the Green Hood gang and claim a $10,000 reward, Clark is seen later stealing the notes Frank has written up. Writing in her diary, Lois comments how she is disappoint at how selfish and temperamental Clark is, but decides to overlook these flaws so that she can marry Superman.

When Jimmy shows up later telling him that a member of the Superman fan club suspects Clark of being Superman, he asks if he can cut some of Clark's hair. Lois, wanting to protect her future-husband's secret identity she feigns a fainting spell and sends Jimmy off to get a glass of water. Lois then confides in Clark that he knows that he is really Superman.

Having caught onto what Lois is actually doing, Clark has devices a means of getting back at her. Accusing her of only being interested in marrying him because he is Superman, he explains that he and Superman contrived a means to teach Lois a means of not jumping to conclusions about people. Taking her outside she finds that the "concrete" that Clark landed on was really foam rubber, and he offers to let her clip his hair, secretly using his x-ray vision to cut the hair free. He then explains that when he was "mean" to Lana, he was in reality calming her down after she got hysteric over seeing a mouse run past the office, and when he was "stealing" from Fred, he was in reality adding more information for Fred and had Superman help capture the Green Hood Gang so that Frank can get the money he needs to send his kid to college.

With everything all told, Lois realizes what a terrible "mistake" she had made and thanks Clark for teaching her a life lesson on jumping to conclusions.

Appearing in "Lois Lane Loves Clark Kent!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Green Hood Gang
    • Two Men (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Two Chinese Restaurant Employees (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Daily Planet Employees
    • Seven Reporters (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
    • Frank Bliss (Single appearance)
    • Frank Bliss' Son (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
  • TV Crew (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Superman Fan Club (Mentioned only)



  • Superman (Statue only)
  • $3000 (Lois' life savings she gave to Clark) and (items bought with the money by Clark Kent)
    • Ham Radio Set
    • Hi-Fi Equipment
    • Billard Table
    • Home Gym
    • 10 Suits
    • $20 Diamond Chip Set in Imitation Silver (Ring)
  • Bomb (Destroyed)
  • $10000 Reward (Mentioned only)
  • Lois Lane's Diary


  • None



  • In The Mermaid from Metropolis! Superman earned "every doctor's degree" in order to perform surgery on Lois Lane.
  • In The Mermaid from Metropolis! the story takes place on August 21st 1959. That was the day that Hawaii was admitted as the 50th state in the United States.
  • In Lois Lane Loves Clark Kent! it was revealed that Lana Lang becomes hysterical at the sight of a mouse. The only way to calm her down is by pouring cold water on her.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
