DC Database

An alien ship tries to leave Earth but is losing altitude. In despair, the aliens unload several boxes, including a cage of three beasts. The Teen Titans rush to stop the beasts before they harm anyone. After defeating the first two, the team encounters the alien ship which has come back to retr

Quote1 Just hold us steady and leave the action to me ! Quote2

Teen Titans: The Space Beast Round-Up is an episode of season 1 of Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure. It premiered on September 19, 1967.

Synopsis for "Teen Titans: The Space Beast Round-Up"

An alien ship tries to leave Earth but is losing altitude. In despair, the aliens unload several boxes, including a cage of three beasts. The Teen Titans rush to stop the beasts before they harm anyone. After defeating the first two, the team encounters the alien ship which has come back to retrieve their lost beasts. After defeating the last one, the interplanetary hunters thank the team and take their leave for good.

Appearing in "Teen Titans: The Space Beast Round-Up"

Featured Characters:


  • Monsters

Other Characters:

  • Interplanetary Hunters



  • Speedy's Helicopter



  • No trivia.

See Also

Recommended Media

Links and References

  • None.

