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"The Sound of Super": To try and trigger Lex's memories, Lena has him play the piano as music can be closely tied to memory. When he sits down at the piano Lex has a memory flash of his mother teaching him to play when he was a child, but he plays horribly and tells Lena that he thinks his old s

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Quote1 He remembers. Quote2
Superman (Clark Kent)

Superman: Lex Luthor Special #1 is a one-shot with a cover date of March, 2025. It was published on January 29, 2025.

Synopsis for "The Sound of Super"

To try and trigger Lex's memories, Lena has him play the piano as music can be closely tied to memory. When he sits down at the piano Lex has a memory flash of his mother teaching him to play when he was a child, but he plays horribly and tells Lena that he thinks his old self is gone for good. Meanwhile, Mister Terrific calls Superman up to the Watchtower to discuss his attempts to study the new universe created by Darkseid. Mister Terrific admits that he has hit a brick wall, as he has trouble thinking along the "intellectual dark paths" required to understand the "Elseworld". He tells Superman that when they were both in the Totality he and Luthor were working on a way to communicate with the Elseworld and he believes Luthor is the only one able to solve the problem.

On Earth, Luthor is enjoying ice cream with Mercy Graves in Centennial Park. He tells her that so much of who he used to be is still a mystery to him, and she half-seriously asks him if he wants to solve it. Lex has a flashback to his childhood, playing piano with his mother. He remembers his father bursting in drunk and yelling at him to stop; Leticia pulled Lionel out of the room but Lex could still hear him shouting from outside and kept playing to drown him out while crying. Suddenly, a woman recognises Lex and throws her coffee in his face, yelling that he should be in jail. A crowd of people with grievances against Lex quickly gather, but before they can attack him Superman flies in and tells them to leave him alone. The people disperse but Lex says that his old self deserved their scorn. Superman tells Lex that Mister Terrific needs his help and asks if he has made any progress on his memories, but Lex says he's not sure if he should make progress and some things are better left forgotten. Lex remembers that as a child in Smallville he asked his father for a radio emitter and built a machine that beamed music into space as a special signal which only some people could hear. He wanted to impress his father, but it just made Lionel angry.

In the present, Superman asks Luthor if he wants his memories back and Lex says that he doesn't. Superman says that if he had his memories back he could help save lives, but Lex replies that his old self hurt so many people and asks Superman if he believes the world is a better place without Lex Luthor in it. Superman is unable to answer and says he shouldn't have been pushing Lex. He tells Lex that it is up to him whether he remember or not and flies away. Lex walks back to Supercorp, ignoring Mercy calling after him.

Lex remembers how the night that he showed his transmitter to Lionel he flew into a rage, yelling that Lex was a "freak" because no normal child could do that. Terrified, Lex ran out into the fields and set up his machine, beaming a recording of himself playing the piano into space. Unbeknownst to Lex, the baby Clark Kent was able to hear the signals with his super-hearing. He had been crying constantly for days, overwhelmed by all the sounds he could hear around the world, but the music soothed him to sleep.

That evening in his apartment in Supercorp tower, Luthor once again sits down at the piano. Superman and Superwoman get a call from Mister Terrific thanking them for the designs he just got from Supercorp for a transmitter that sends sound waves over multiversal vibrations which they could use to communicate with the Elseworld. However, they have no idea what he is talking about. Suddenly, they both hear beautiful piano music coming from Supercorp. Superman recognises it as the music he heard as a baby and realises that Luthor's memories are back.

Appearing in "The Sound of Super"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






  • This story takes place after the events of Superman (Volume 6) #23.
    • Lex Luthor and Superman's story is continued in Superman (Volume 6) #24.

See Also

Links and References
