Superman: The Man of Steel is a series of hardcovers intended to collect the post-Crisis stories of Superman.
This volume continues to collect John Byrne's run of Superman and Action Comics, and the Adventures of Superman run by Marv Wolfman and Jerry Ordway.
- Superman (Volume 2) #5 (The Mummy Strikes)
- Superman (Volume 2) #6 (The Last Five Hundred)
- Adventures of Superman #429 (Old Ties)
- Action Comics #588 (All Wars Must End)
- Action Comics #589 (Green on Green)
- Superman (Volume 2) #7 (Rampage!)
- Adventures of Superman #430 (Homeward Bound!)
- Action Comics #590 (Better Dying Through Chemistry)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 3) #37 (A Twist in Time)
- Superman (Volume 2) #8 (Future Shock)
- Action Comics #591 (Past Imperfect)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 3) #38 (The Greatest Hero of Them All)
- Adventures of Superman #431 (They Call Him—Doctor Stratos)
- Superman (Volume 2) #9 (The Laugh and Die in Metropolis/Metropolis 900 Miles)
- Adventures of Superman #432 (Gangwar Part One: From the Streets, to the Streets!)
- Action Comics #592 (...A Walk on the Darkside!)
- Action Comics #593 (The Suicide Snare)
- Superman (Volume 2) #10 (The Super Menace of Metropolis!)
- Adventures of Superman #433 (Gangwar Part Two: A Tragedy in Five Acts)
- Superman (Volume 2) #11 (The Name Game)
- Adventures of Superman #434 (Gangwar Part Three: Shambles)
- Adventures of Superman #435 (The Circle Turns)