Superman: The Man of Steel is a series of hardcovers intended to collect the post-Crisis stories of Superman.
This volume concludes John Byrne's run of Superman and Action Comics, and continues Jerry Ordway's Adventures of Superman run.
- Action Comics #598 (Checkmate!)
- Superman (Volume 2) #16 (He Only Laughs When I Hurt!)
- Adventures of Superman #439 (Tin Soldiers)
- Action Comics #599 (Element 126)
- Superman (Volume 2) #17 (Cries in the Night)
- Adventures of Superman #440 (The Hurrieder I Go)
- Action Comics #600 (Different Worlds; True Love; Games People Play; A Friend in Need; The Dark Where Madness Lies)
- Superman (Volume 2) #18 (Return to Krypton)
- Adventures of Superman #441 (The Tiny Terror of Tinseltown)
- Superman (Volume 2) #19 (The Power that Failed!)
- Adventures of Superman #442 (Power Play)
- Doom Patrol (Volume 2) #10 (The Soul of the Machine)
- Superman (Volume 2) #20 (Doom in the Heartland!)
- Adventures of Superman #443 (Prisoner of Conscience)
- Superman (Volume 2) #21 (You Can't Go Home Again)
- Adventures of Superman #444 (Parallel Lives Meet at Infinity...)
- Superman (Volume 2) #22 (The Price)
- Superman Annual (Volume 2) #2 (The Cadmus Project; Love's Labors...)