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"You Can't Be Everywhere At Once": A lone officer crouches behind a crate and fires his gun three times. Each bullet bounces off of the armor of a horribly disfigured man as he advances forward. Holding up his hand, Bloodsport triggers his implanted teleporter and a gun appears out of nowhere. F

Superman: The Man of Steel #129 is an issue of the series Superman: The Man of Steel (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2002. It was published on August 21, 2002.

Synopsis for "You Can't Be Everywhere At Once"

A lone officer crouches behind a crate and fires his gun three times. Each bullet bounces off of the armor of a horribly disfigured man as he advances forward. Holding up his hand, Bloodsport triggers his implanted teleporter and a gun appears out of nowhere. Firing at the officer, the projectiles bury themselves into the wall behind the officer and hold him down with the cord stretched between them. Bloodsport levels another weapon at the man's head. Just as he fires, Superman dives through the roof, deflecting the shots and knocking Bloodsport back.

Outside, Superman hurls Bloodsport into a police wagon and is taken away. Turning to Superman, Superman asks if the officer is alright. The officer brushes his concern aside. Suddenly from outside of the police line, a yell catches Superman's attention. He turns and finds a group of three people. The trio yell that he needs to start doing something to stop villains like Bloodsport permanently, or otherwise they just get out and kill again. Superman tells them that he doesn't work that way. One yells back that he might as well kill them himself then. Staring at the departing crowd, Superman can think of nothing to say. Noticing the problem, the office jumps in front of Superman and invites him to grab a cup of coffee, and then tells him he has to come, to make up for arriving so late.

Inside a local diner, the officer introduces himself as Wit Saunders. He tells Superman that he can't let people like those at the crime scene bother him. Superman tells him that he is fine; he's heard it many times before. Wit tells him that it's important to remember to follow your beliefs, and then tells him that he is only human. Suddenly Superman jerks up and excuses himself for a moment. Soaring out of the diner, he leaves Wit sitting at the table alone. As Wit asks for a coffee to go, Superman suddenly appears in the door again, with a daisy in his hair. Sitting back down he explains that the girl he saved from the fire escape gave it to him as a thank you. The two talk long into the night, laughing and sharing stories. Wit finds himself liking the man.

The next day, Wit argues with a mother about arresting her boy. As he looks up he sees Superman flying over. The two wave to each other. Not believing him, Wit's fellow officer tells him that there was no way that Superman was waving at him.

Another evening, the two meet again in the small diner. Superman tells a story about a man he once fought. After defeating the man, he stripped off his armored suit and began jumping up and down on it, complaining how much it cost and how expensive it was. Wit then tells of two men he once found stealing a big projection TV one night. The two were so shocked when they were caught that they both dropped the TV, knocking one out and breaking the other's feet. Superman laughs so hard he spits his coffee. Just then, one of the diner's employees approaches nervously and asks if he can take their picture. The two men move agree to do so. As the two depart, one of the employees tells another that he can't wait to tell his friends. The other tells him that he can't, because if the word gets out then everyone will come and Superman will stop coming.

Wit and a fellow officer question witnesses after a metahuman brawl in their apartment. No one really saw anything, and all they do know is that someone arrived to stop the rogue meta. As the police walk away, one makes a rude comment about them as being a cleaning crew for the "Spandex Brigade". Wit snaps at him, telling him that they need the superheroes. Wit turns and storms towards his police car.

Another night, Wit pulls up to the diner to find it lit up and completely full of people. It is obviously apparent that words of Superman's frequent visit had made to the public. Wit's name is called from the alleyway and Wit runs over to find Superman in the shadows. Superman says that they are just going to have to find another place. Wit holds out his hand as says it was fun while it lasted. Superman smiles and takes his hand. Turning towards the crowd, Superman says that he is going to go in. Everyone came looking for him, and he isn't going to disappoint.

Over the next few days, Wit spends a lot of time thinking about the Man of Steel. He's not sure why, but he liked him. And that makes him miss him.

Outside of an apartment, Wit and two other officers arrive to settle a domestic dispute. However, there is one small problem. The husband may be a metahuman. As they call in for the SCU to help, Wit heads up the stairs. They cannot wait for help to get the kids to safety. Moving through the open door, Wit yells at the man to hit the floor, and tells him that they don't have to do this in front of his children. The meta says that he will get rid of them then. As he begins to glow with energy, ready to fire a bolt at his children, the three officers fire. As he falls, his energy rips through the ceiling and brings the roof down. Without thinking, Wit lunges forward to cover the woman and her children from the falling debris. He lies there for a moment before Superman rips though the floor and unbury his friend. Unfortunately, Wit is mortally wounded but is able to tiredly greet Superman, "Long time, no see."

Later, at Wit's funeral, Superman stands reading from the journal Wit had kept of his time with Superman. He then says that he read their story to show everyone how deeply Wit affected him. He was very valuable to him, so valuable that Superman was even questioning if the lives he saved in Indonesia before coming for Wit were worth Wit's. But he also knows that Wit would have told him that you can't be everywhere at once. The important thing to remember is that wherever you happen to be at the moment, its always important to the people that you are with.

Appearing in "You Can't Be Everywhere At Once"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Wit Saunders (Single appearance; dies)


Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References
