The first animated Superman series was a string of eight-minute cartoon shorts produced by Max and Dave Fleischer for Fleischer studios. Beginning in 1941, Fleischer Studios produced nine animated segments of Superman, at which point production was switched over to Famous Studios, where the series continued until 1943. In total, seventeen episodes were completed and have been widely released on both VHS and DVD formats throughout the years.
- Superman
- The Mechanical Monsters
- Billion Dollar Limited
- The Arctic Giant
- The Bulleteers
- The Magnetic Telescope
- Electric Earthquake
- Volcano
- Terror on the Midway
- Japoteurs
- Showdown
- Eleventh Hour
- Destruction Inc.
- The Mummy Strikes
- Jungle Drums
- The Underground World
- Secret Agent
- In the Arrowverse Multiverse, this continuity is set on Earth-F.[1]
- In the DC Animated Multiverse, this reality is known as Earth-Prime.[2]
- The narrator's lead-in changed several times:
- "Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound." - Superman (1941 Cartoons) Episode: Superman
- "Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to soar higher than any plane." - Superman (1941 Cartoons) Episode: Volcano
- "Faster than a streak of lightning, more powerful than the pounding surf, mightier than a roaring hurricane." - Superman (1941 Cartoons) Episode: Showdown