Superman: The Animated Series.
Synopsis for "Superman"
Based on Superman: The Animated Series. Lex Luthor has trapped Superman's friends Lois, Professor Hamilton, and Jimmy Olsen in a "virtual world," and you, as Superman, must enter it to rescue them. Also populating this realm are the villains Brainiac, Darkseid, Bizarro, Metallo, several other bad folks from the animated series, and an endless array of shadowy drone characters.
The player assumes the role of Superman and is challenged to complete puzzle obstacles throughout the game; usually levels contain similar challenges. In most levels, Superman flies through a series of rings within a time limit (unless the player chooses to play the game on an easy difficulty; the rings then disappear but the timer remains the same). The "virtual Metropolis" is filled with what the developers called "Kryptonite fog" (which was actually the draw distance), supposedly there to slow him down. The game also features "Solve the Maze" segments where the player is given a time limit to solve certain obstacles similar to mazes.
Appearing in "Superman"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Metropolis, in the form of virtual reality
- Timothy Daly as Superman
- Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor
- Dana Delany as Lois Lane
- David Kaufman as Jimmy Olsen
- Victor Brandt as Professor Emil Hamilton
- Corey Burton as Brainiac
- The game is notorious among critics and gamers as one of the worst games ever made. Common criticisms include poor collision detection, unreliable controls, bad levels, glitches, high difficulty and generally poor execution.
- The community considers the Superman 64 game to be the second worst game in the world, second only to E.T on the Atari 2600.
See Also
- Images from Superman (Nintendo 64)
- Characters from Superman (Nintendo 64)
- Other things related to Superman (Nintendo 64)
- Video Game Gallery: Superman (Nintendo 64)
Links and References