DC Database

"JLApe (Part VI of VIII) – The Apes of Wrath": SuperApe returns to normal by flying into space and exposing himself to direct sunlight. Superman then stops Ulgo from destroying the Pentagon with his giant Grogomesh robot.

Quote1 You are a famous human reporter, and I wish you to witness the righteousness of my actions and convey it to your people. Quote2

Superman Annual (Volume 2) #11 is an issue of the series Superman Annual (Volume 2) with a cover date of October, 1999.

Synopsis for "JLApe (Part VI of VIII) – The Apes of Wrath"

SuperApe returns to normal by flying into space and exposing himself to direct sunlight. Superman then stops Ulgo from destroying the Pentagon with his giant Grogomesh robot.

Appearing in "JLApe (Part VI of VIII) – The Apes of Wrath"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Talisman of Krogg



  • SuperApe mimics the cover of Action Comics #1 in front of a shop called Action Comics.
  • Woody the Woodpecker appears on a billboard.
  • Three people turned into apes resemble the Three Stooges.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

DC Bullet 2024

JLApe Crossover
JLApe is a 1999 DC Comics Annual crossover. This template will categorize articles that include it into the JLApe crossover category.
