DC Database
This article is part of the DC Database Recommended Reading project, a series of articles written by our editors. They are meant as a guide to help both new and old readers, either getting into comics for the first time or looking to read more on their favorites. These should not be taken as a definitive guide; obviously you can start wherever and with whatever you want, but they're some general suggestions that we think you might find useful and enjoyable.
Superman 0006

...And nothing less than a burst shell could penetrate his skin!

Superman is a classic and enduring character in the DC Universe, one of the first and greatest superheroes of all time, as well as one of the most famous fictional characters of all time. Having been published in hundreds if not thousands of comics since his first appearance in Action Comics #1 (1938), sorting through reading material can be intimidating. There are many Superman comics and even more stories featuring him. This page is meant to act as a helpful guide for both new readers getting into his mythos for the first time, and veteran readers looking for something new.

New readers[]

This section includes Superman's most current origin story, as well as out-of-continuity or self-contained tales.

Further reading[]

This section presents important story arcs and one-shots where debuted some important character or concept and/or are regarded as classic and iconic stories. For the convenience of readers, it's divided into periods, and every era's origin stories are included.

Golden Age (1938-1955)[]

Silver Age (1955-1971)[]

Bronze Age (1971-1986)[]

Post-Crisis (1986-2011)[]

Post-Flashpoint (2011-present)[]
