Superman (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1968. It was published on September 17, 1968.
Synopsis for "You, Too, Can Be a Super-Artist!"
Superman cracks down on a phony "art school", and, in the process, goes back in time to pose for Gainsborough's Blue Boy and Rembrandt's Night Watch.
Appearing in "You, Too, Can Be a Super-Artist!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Jimmy Olsen
- Lois Lane
- Tony Van Dyck
- EMM School of Art
- Mr. Sleek
- Prof. Da Fony
Other Characters:
- Halley's Comet
- Mona Lisa
Synopsis for "The Name of the Game is Superman!"
Clark Kent is clamped in an electric chair by a man who is certain he is Superman, and is apparently willing to try to electrocute him to prove the point.
Appearing in "The Name of the Game is Superman!"
Supporting Characters:
- Homer Ferret
- Perry White
- Rembrandt identifies his painting as having members of "the Night Guard". Frans Banning Cocq's shooting company was a militia at most, not the city's organized nightly law enforcement. The term "Night Watch" arose after varnish gave the painting a darker appearance and was not used before 1797. The varnish was removed in 1940.
- Aside from being presented as smaller than it actually is (it would not fit in the room it's in), the Night Watch is also the wrong ratio. As part of a move in 1715, the edges were trimmed. If Superman traveled back in time and memorized the original, it would immediately raise suspicion as it was about half a meter wider than the painting in the museum in 1968.
See Also