DC Database

"Good Evening, Superman--I'm Clark Kent... and You're Not!": Superman and Supergirl send the captured Kryptonian Nam-Ek into the Phantom Zone, believing him too dangerous to be free due to his super powered insanity.

Quote1 Correction, Superman-- The new, improved Blackrock! Now I can fly by riding waves of broadcasting-signals in the atmosphere! I tried once before to pre-empt you-- And failed... But I'm no longer "experiencing technical difficulty"! I have greater powers now-- Thanks to my new black rock-- So, Supie-baby, this is your last show of the season! Quote2

Superman #315 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1977.

Synopsis for "Good Evening, Superman--I'm Clark Kent... and You're Not!"

Superman and Supergirl send the captured Kryptonian Nam-Ek into the Phantom Zone, believing him too dangerous to be free due to his super powered insanity. Then, after a brief fray with several SKULL thugs, the Man of Steel meets a new Blackrock, infused into the body of comedian Les Vegas.

Appearing in "Good Evening, Superman--I'm Clark Kent... and You're Not!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • SKULL Saucer (Destroyed)


  • Morgan Edge has decided that Clark Kent will have a co-anchor for the Channel 8 6pm news telecast like the big networks have.
  • Superman captured three SKULL members in the West Indies, but Dr. Klyburn mentioned that four SKULL members died upon arrival at the police station.


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
