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"Luthor Rises Again!": Lex Luthor latches onto a large meteor left over from the remains of the planet Lexor. He rides the meteor back to Earth where it crashes into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Swearing revenge upon Superman, Lex

Quote1 For the rest of my life, I'm going to have to live with the knowledge that millions of peaceful Lexorians would still be alive today... if I hadn't journeyed to Lexor determined to bring Luthor to justice! Quote2
Clark Kent

Superman #385 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1983. It was published on March 22, 1983.

Synopsis for "Luthor Rises Again!"

Lex Luthor latches onto a large meteor left over from the remains of the planet Lexor. He rides the meteor back to Earth where it crashes into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Swearing revenge upon Superman, Lex declares the meteor as L-Island, and begins making plans to build the ultimate Luthor Lair.

Back at the Daily Planet, Clark Kent's got Luthor on the brain. He cannot come to terms with the fact that Luthor may have died on Lexor. Though Luthor sowed the seeds of his own destruction, Clark still feels guilty for not being able to save him. He has no idea that Luthor survived.

Meanwhile, Lois Lane returns to the Lane farm in Pittsdale. She goes horseback riding and does her level best to keep all thoughts of Superman clear from her mind.

Clark meanwhile begins hallucinating and sees images of Luthor everywhere. He even causes damage at a local suspension bridge and the Superman Museum because he believes he sees Luthor. Either Luthor has survived and is manipulating Superman's brain somehow, or else he is going completely insane.

Luthor meanwhile, recruits fresh lieutenants for his cause. He extricates five heavy weight mobsters from prison and brings them back to L-Island where they swear fealty to Luthor.

Appearing in "Luthor Rises Again!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lex Luthor (Flashback and main story) (from Action Comics #544)
  • Luthor's Henchmen:
    • Louto Malono (First appearance)
    • Plato Statler (First appearance)
    • Pluto Statler (First appearance)
    • Renzil Dugan (Single appearance)
    • Wanda Nordo (First appearance)
  • Matlock (Single appearance; dies)
    • Two Henchmen (Unnamed) (Single appearance; dies)
  • Two Bank Robbers (Unnamed) (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Undercover Agent (Unnamed) (Single appearance; dies)
  • WGBS Employees
    • Madge (Phone call only)
  • Three Granite Quarry Workers (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • NASA (Unnamed) (Single appearance)
    • Flight Engineer Dr. Bower (Single appearance)
    • Captain (Unnamed) (Single appearance)
  • United States Coast Guard (Unnamed) (Cameo)
  • Horses
    • Thunderhoof (A horse belonging to the Lane family)
  • Ali Kyamm (Mentioned only)
  • Ben-David (Mentioned only)
  • Bizarros (Mentioned only)
  • Elvis Presley (Mentioned only)
  • Lexorians (Mentioned only)
  • Rao (Mentioned only)
  • Warden (Unnamed) (Single appearance)
  • Guard (Unnamed) (Single appearance)
  • Superman Museum Guard (Unnamed) (Cameo)
  • Studs McCoy (Mentioned only)




  • Matlock's Boat (Destroyed)
  • Great Year Blimp (Destroyed)
    • Unmanned Drone (Destroyed)
  • Luthor's Lead Lined Tank (Stolen by two bank robbers from the police impound lot) (Destroyed)
  • Space Shuttle Challenger


L-Island is a meteorite fragment of Lexor; floating in the Atlantic Ocean. An island was also a floating meteorite in Action Comics #416.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
