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"Superman in Exile": Superman, now exiled in space, reflects back on his life on Earth. He still deals with the guilt for the execution of Zod and his men in a pocket universe, and most recent events only made him doubt even more about his

Superman (Volume 2) #28 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 2) with a cover date of February, 1989.

Synopsis for "Superman in Exile"

Superman, now exiled in space, reflects back on his life on Earth. He still deals with the guilt for the execution of Zod and his men in a pocket universe, and most recent events only made him doubt even more about his mental stability. Equipping a breathing apparatus and an experimental teleportation device, he flies far away from Earth.

Feeling groggy after his hyperspace jump, he lands on a desolated planet orbiting a red sun. The wasteland reminds Clark of the pocket universe he's been in. Clark activates the hyperspace device once again to leave the planet. He then reappears in front of a yellow sun. Being pulled by the sun's gravity, he's unable to use the device again. He orbits the sun at high speed to gain enough momentum to break free from its gravity.

Superman then arrives at a inhabited planet. He sees a spaceship about to crash, but he intercepts it and saves its crew. Thankful for his actions, inhabitants of the city arrive at the scene and surround him, praising him. This reminds him of Earth, and how he felt he was dangerous among its people. So he flees the scene and flies away into space.

Meanwhile on Earth, Perry White receives the first installment in Clark's series of articles about Intergang's criminal activities and decides to print it on the front page in a special edition. This article alerts Morgan Edge, head of Galaxy Communications, and he commands his men to hit Clark Kent before he exposes Galaxy's activities with Intergang.

Inside LexCorp, Brainiac awakes from his coma and tells Lex Luthor he can't feel Superman's mind anymore.

Amanda McCoy keeps investigating Clark Kent to find evidence that he is Superman. Private detective Matthew Stockton, unaware of Kent's duplicity, prompts the idea of breaking into his department, something McKoy declines. Ignoring her warnings, he decides to break in anyway. Stockton later enters Clark's messy apartment, but he is intercepted by a group of Wall Crawlers (Intergang's hitmen), terminating him.

Appearing in "Superman in Exile"

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