DC Database

The sword was as old as the universe. When matter first congealed from the primal plasma, one particular cruciform lump travelled unerringly; slowly forged "through the foundry of space and the temperance of time" until it was a perfectly-formed sword, with Superman's symbol borne on its hilt.

The third Super-Sword was named the Sword of Superman and travelled from the beginning of time to reach Superman in his hour of need.


The sword was as old as the universe. When matter first congealed from the primal plasma, one particular cruciform lump travelled unerringly; slowly forged "through the foundry of space and the temperance of time" until it was a perfectly-formed sword, with Superman's symbol borne on its hilt.[1]

On the sword's billion year arc through time and space, many tried to take the sword for themselves but they were always prevented from interfering with its trajectory. Eventually the sword became an interstellar legend, and none would try to touch it; fearing calamity.

As King Kosmos' energy approached Superman, so did the Sword. Kosmos power was too much, and Superman fell to Earth, defeated. In this moment the sword's final destination was revealed to be Superman's outstretched hand. Not only did it give Superman the power to defeat Kosmos, the sword connected Superman to the energy of creation and granted him cosmic awareness as a test — a test that he passed by rejecting that power.[1]

Its test completely successfully, the blade evaporated; leaving only the hilt which Superman threw back into space to continue its journey.


The Sword of Superman was made of the first formed matter of the universe, having a purity that was essentially incorruptible. Whether by action of the sword itself, or through unknown cosmic intervention, no beings were permitted to make contact with or interfere with the Sword, although "billions" were said to have tried through the eons.[1]

The sword had glowed, as its blade was constantly transitioning between matter and energy while held by Superman. The sword could fire energy at foes and dispel the illusion of Oswald Mandias created by King Kosmos. It was also a directional compass that took Superman to exactly where he needed to be.

Finally connecting Superman to the power of the cosmos, the sword blade sublimated back into energy, leaving only the hilt.


  • This was the third of three appearances of a Super Sword. Two previous Super-Swords appeared in Superman #124 and Action Comics #329.
  • The Super-Sword drew Superman to read a book on the Arthurian legend of Excalibur, which the Super-Sword was obviously a reference to.

See Also

