DC Database


Arabian isn't a citizenship, or a nationality, but it is an ethnicity, and does identify his geographic homeland. He's royalty of a population that's a colony (circa 1939) of Great Britain. Does that make him a British citizen? Stoop Davy Dave (talk) 02:51, September 23, 2017 (UTC)

I'm not sure if he's British or not. I'm assuming he isn't Saudi Arabian either?. I just know that our categories need a country name to work properly. It may be useful to track ethnicities of some characters but it doesn't fit how the template currently operates. Kyletheobald (talk) 14:09, September 23, 2017 (UTC)

If he were Saudi Arabian the word "Saudi" would appear someplace in the stories, which maybe it does, but I haven't seen it so far, and doubt it's there. Other Arabian Peninsula nations are either post-WWII creations or just not referenced in the Abdul stories. So I can't support "Arabian" as a nationality.

British Citizen? Can't rule it out based on "colonial" status, in fact that would make it seem more likely that he was one. But also can't confirm. I wouldn't think it was possible to be a British Subject AND be royalty in one's own country, but apparently that was the deal with a lot of Indian princes and rajahs and whatnot. Stoop Davy Dave (talk) 17:03, September 23, 2017 (UTC)
