DC Database
DC Database

Original Golem[]

This character and the original Golem from 16th century Prague are not the same, even though they've been tagged as such. As far as the Ragman stuff goes, the original only ever appears in flashbacks. I've split him off from this guy but I'm debating whether he should get a separate page or not. Kyletheobald (talk) 05:14, July 31, 2016 (UTC)

Response to Original Golem[]

So, I am going to look into this further, but I think that the 16th Century Golem (Prague Golem) and the Primal Force Golem (PF Golem), may be the same character. I think the confusion comes from the fact that a Golem appears in Ragman Vol 2. It appears that this is the Prague Golem. It is stalking Ragman, (I believe) because its replacement by Ragman is threatening its existence. It is defeated by Ragman and (maybe absorbed into the suit). Then, in Ragman: Cry of the Dead, a Golem is summoned by Ragman's enemies, seemingly freed from the Ragman suit. It seems that this is the Prague Golem, but it returns with a soul and becomes good (i.e. becomes the PF Golem). Need to make sure, but it seems to be the case. User:Shamanbaptist

Follow Up[]

It seems that the Golem in Ragman Vol 2 was created by Rabbi Liebowitz. In a flashback, he speaks ambiguously about creating the Golem, speaking of how, at the time, the Ragman suit must lay dormant somewhere “as lifeless as clay.” This thought inspires him. He is shown forming a clay body then animating it. It is unclear whether this was a different entity (or being or whatever) animating the new body or the same entity that animated the Prague Golem. One thing is clear from Ragman: Cry of the Dead: The Golem there is the same one from Ragman Vol 2 reformed with a soul. Thus, the Primal Force Golem (PF Golem) is the Golem created by Liebowitz (Liebowitz Golem).

I would vote to make them all one for two reasons: (1) Ragman Vol 2 clearly states that the power source that created the Golem is the same one that created the Ragman suit. This is further evidenced by the fact that the power can only power one or other. Thus, I think it makes sense that Liebowitz using the power source to animate the Liebowitz Golem would result in the Prague Golem being “reborn” rather than creating a whole new entity. (2) The theme of the Liebowitz Golem and the PF Golem is a quest to gain a soul and be more human. The reason Liebowitz gives for the Prague Golem being retired is that it is was a “Monster, a creature with no soul.” It would make sense that it is the same character finally getting its soul.

I know this is way too obsessive for this, but I had some time. User:Shamanbaptist