DC Database
DC Database

Quote1 Tara Battleworth...the most powerful "fixer" in Washington. But she's a long way from DC. Quote2
Arsenal src

Tara Battleworth was one of Red Hood's employers.

After a deal with a drug cartel and a senator goes wrong in the desert, Tara is saved by Red Hood and Arsenal. Before they leave (with the money) she gives them a card and offers them a job.[1]

The duo accept after Roy flies through their profits from the desert job and they find themselves looking for a stolen pen drive in the possession of a diplomat in France. But when their covert operating turns into super-heroics Tara becomes irked at their lack of discretion.

The two do eventually find the pen drive and return it to her, or at least a copy of it.[2]

Roy's next investments are the final straw however. After ordering a nation-wide advertisement Tara calls off all cooperation because their once secret operations are now too high-profile.[3] This would not stop the two partners though who continue on their escapades.


