To hunt the most evil villains, a righteous warrior must be patient and unyielding. A warrior willing to venture deep into the nightmarish underbelly of the city.
- — Katana src
Tatsu Yamashiro is the master swordswoman and vigilante known as Katana. She wields the Soultaker Sword, a blade that imprisons the soul of anyone it strikes.
Tatsu moved to Metropolis from Japan at some point before the events of "Soul Sisters".
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Powers and Abilities
- Swordsmanship
- Martial Arts
- Bilingualism: Katana is fluent in her native language Japanese as well as English.
- Dancing[1]
- This version of the character is exclusive to the continuity of the television series DC Super Hero Girls and is an adaptation of Katana. The original character was created by Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo and first appeared in The Brave and the Bold #200.
- Katana was voiced by Rina Hoshino
- 9 Appearances of Tatsu Yamashiro (DC Super Hero Girls TV Series)
- 5 Images featuring Tatsu Yamashiro (DC Super Hero Girls TV Series)
- 1 Quotations by or about Tatsu Yamashiro (DC Super Hero Girls TV Series)
- Character Gallery: Tatsu Yamashiro (DC Super Hero Girls TV Series)