Objective: Hell is a Team 7 mini-series written by Chuck Dixon with illustrations by Chris Warner. It was published by WildStorm Productions through Image Comics. This is a sequel to the story Gone Animal in Dixon's original Team 7 mini-series. It is followed by his final volume Dead Reckoning.
Two years after the nuclear bomb incident, Team 7's replacement Team Eight is slaughtered in combat. John Lynch is tasked with finding Team 7 for a dangerous mission. He takes Michael Cray out of prison, and they travel to Nicaragua together. With the help of Contra soldiers, they find Team 7 hiding on vacation in the jungle. Cash resists, but they agree to come back in exchange for a full pardon. It's revealed that their mission is in Cambodia, where the government has accidentally left a giant nuclear stockpile. They are tracked by the telepathic General Rostov of the Soviet Union.[1] Rostov and his henchwoman Silver begin working with the local Khmer Rouge. Team 7 work their way through the killing fields using telepathic camouflage. They find the valley holding the nukes, but it is protected by a psychic child named X'ing X'iang. They gain her trust, but the Khmer Rouge and the Soviets descend on her village.[2] Wraparound uses his powers to take down their helicopters. Deathblow is killed by Silver, and Dane is cornered by Rostov. Rostov attempts to brainwash Dane by destroying his memory, and Dane resurrects Deathblow before collapsing. The rest of the team finds the bunker and they make it implode. However, they realize Rostov is there for them and not the nukes. Silver nearly defeats them, but X'iang obliterates her. Rostov tries to make Deathblow kill himself, but Deathblow resists and shoots him in the head. The team is extracted by helicopter, although Dane remains in a coma. Lynch remarks that this was the first battle in a new kind of war.[3]
- Michael Cray is called "Sailor" by his teammates, which is different than his usual nickname. This new nickname is likely due to his imprisonment with the Navy.[3]
Recommended Reading
- Team 7 Recommended Reading
- Team 7 (Volume 1)
- Team 7: Objective: Hell
- Team 7: Dead Reckoning
- Team 7 (Volume 2)
Links and References