DC Database

It is Crazy Day, a day where everyone acts crazy until the Captain Crazy has been elected ; a day Raven isn't particularly fond of. Especially not when she has such a strong headache. In fact, it gets so strong she ends up locked in her own mind while The Lord oCrazy Day is an episode of season 2 of Teen Titans Go!. It premiered on January 29, 2015.

Synopsis for "Crazy Day"

It is Crazy Day, a day where everyone acts crazy until the Captain Crazy has been elected ; a day Raven isn't particularly fond of. Especially not when she has such a strong headache. In fact, it gets so strong she ends up locked in her own mind while The Lord of Madness takes over her body. To get out, she'll need to pass the Voice's tests.

In the meanwhile, Robin competes The Lord of Madness for the title of Captain Crazy.

Appearing in "Crazy Day"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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