DC Database

The Ten-Eyed Man is a Batman villain named Philip Reardon, who lost his eyesight in an explosion and a doctor reconnected his optic nerves to his fingertips. Having ten eyes on his fingers allows him with enhanced senses and the ability to see more than an average person. This also augments his abilities as a veteran of the U.S. Special Forces during the Vietnam War.

Reardon died during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and was erased from Post-Crisis continuity. During 52, Batman encounters a nomadic tribe called the Ten-Eyed Men of the Empty Quarter. There is an exiled member of this group who becomes a terrorist, known as the Nine-Eyed Man because he is missing a finger.

Ten-Eyed Man was created by Frank Robbins and Irv Novick, first appearing in Batman #226. (1970)
