DC Database
DC Database

Quote1 You know, Mom said something like that once. 'Member that time she caught me, doing something naughty? Remember? And that's why she had to go away, right, Dad? Quote2
Terrance Cannon (Prime Earth) src

Terry Cannon is a serial killer and metahuman in Coral City.

Cannon developed the ability to control the weather. He used this ability to strike terror in his victims that he stalked and murdered in Coral City. He showed no remorse and considered his behavior helpful in his father's quest to rid Coral City of "undesirables" like the homeless, and the impoverished.

His father hired the Movement to capture his son to put an end to the killing. Unbeknownst to the others, he also hired Joe Witt to kill the gathered members of the Movement. Trying to save his father from Virtue, Cannon got caught in the crossfire and died.


  • Weather Manipulation: Cannon used his ability to control the weather to make a single rain cloud appear over his victims before he killed them.


