The Terrorforms were a group of entities that safeguard species undergoing hypertaxis, a time of extreme evolutionary shift, until the threat has passed.
One in every hundred thousand living creatures would turn into Terrorforms when hypertaxis occured. The Terrorforms then nurture the safeguarded species into a new form that can survive in the new environment before going back into dormancy. The last time they emerged was during the extinction of the dinosaurs and protected the viable species from the calamity, paving the way for the rise of the human species.
Powers and Abilities
- Unique Physiology: The Terrorforms posses a myriad of powers that act in response to dangers or environmental shifts. Their most prominent ability is the ability to fire a beam of energy that traps whoever is hit by it into small purple spheres known as "Seed-States". Some other abilities they have shown include:
See Also
- Appearances of Terrorforms
- Race Gallery: Terrorforms
- Images of Terrorforms