- I thought that would kill it. I really did.: Midnighter
- On the plus side, the burning footprints are easy to follow.: Swift
The Authority (Volume 4) #11 is an issue of the series The Authority (Volume 4) with a cover date of August, 2009.
Synopsis for "Missing You"
Midnighter stands high atop the Carrier, sending balloons into the atmosphere desperately trying to get the missing Apollo's attention; in which he has been releasing balloons every day for the last two weeks. Swift appears and informs Midnighter that Angie is on a bug hunt in lower decks and she needs help.
Meanwhile, Angie is shooting some monstrous creatures in her Engineer form but suddenly, her nanites deactivate and she's left vulnerable. But then a partially recovered Jack Hawksmoor uses his crutch (which has a blade on the end) to defend her. But the creature gets the better of Jack, knocking him off his feet. Luckily, Midnighter and Swift arrive just in time to help, in which they set off the last creature on fire and sending it running away.
Jack, Angie, Midnighter, and Swift find the creature that fled but it has already died. But next to it, they find a working Shift-Door. Angie scans the Door and learns it is connecting to the Bleed intermittently, and it came back on line when the Carrier was powered up. She also finds out that those creatures are coming through the Door. Suddenly, a tentacle emerges from the Door and grabs Angie, trying to drag her into the other side. Fortunately, Hawksmoor physically cut off the Door's power and deactivated it. Angie had her hand through the Door for a moment before it shut down and she found her arm almost frozen, with only her Engineer form protecting her. Wherever the Door opened to is a very hostile and alien place.
Elsewhere, Apollo resides in the middle of the sun, trying to burn the Warhol Virus out of himself. But he finds out too late that he is only feeding the virus as it thrives on heat. Furthermore, it had more time to evolve and gain sentience. The sentient virus explains to Apollo of its origins: it was as old as the universe, drifting through space until it landed on Earth when it was still being made. When the first life and civilizations emerged on the planet long before humans existed, the virus infected them and wiped them out, one at a time. It fell dormant in the last Ice Age until Armageddon awoke it. It realizes people called it the Warhol Fever, but since it is now thinking for themselves and living in a powerful and indestructible host, they call themselves The Burn. Now Apollo is one of them.
Appearing in "Missing You"
Featured Characters:
- Incubite/The Burn (Origin)
- Apollo (Possessed)
- None
Synopsis for "Life and Deathblow - Part 2"
Deathblow is left in disbelief to learn from Jackson King that his power prevents him from dying. King hypothesize that Deathblow's body seem to regenerate even from the tinniest particle of DNA; the time it takes varies depending on the damage. King then offers Deathblow to join Stormwatch, but Deathblow politely declines, stating he had enough fighting and killing. But Jackson gives Deathblow a teleporting fetish in case he changes his mind.
Some time later, Deathblow is having a drink at a local bar when he hears a loud explosion coming outside. He looks up to the sky and sees a Reaper about to go nuclear. Deathblow prepares to fight the clone, but the Reaper detonates and its explosion incinerates Deathblow.
Two weeks later, Deathblow awakens amongst the ruins of the bar. He then remembers the Stormwatch fetish and decides to contact King, willing to take his offer.
Appearing in "Life and Deathblow - Part 2"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Reaper (Cameo)
Other Characters:
- StormWatch Fetish
- Life and Deathblow was preceded in Wildcats #11 and concludes in this issue.
See Also