The Batman Strikes! was first released in 2004 and completed its run in 2008. The series is adapted from the Kids WB cartoon series The Batman and does not take place within the continuity of the other mainstream Batman titles. While four collections were solicited for this series, two were published in 2005, and a third was delayed by nearly a year. The fourth collection, titled "Behind the Shadows", was never published.
- The Batman Strikes! #1
- The Batman Strikes! #2
- The Batman Strikes! #3
- The Batman Strikes! #4
- The Batman Strikes! #5
- The Batman Strikes! #6
- The Batman Strikes! #7
- The Batman Strikes! #8
- The Batman Strikes! #9
- The Batman Strikes! #10
- The Batman Strikes! #11
- The Batman Strikes! #12
- The Batman Strikes! #13
- The Batman Strikes! #14
- The Batman Strikes! #15
- The Batman Strikes! #16
- The Batman Strikes! #17
- The Batman Strikes! #18
- The Batman Strikes! #19
- The Batman Strikes! #20
- The Batman Strikes! #21
- The Batman Strikes! #22
- The Batman Strikes! #23
- The Batman Strikes! #24
- The Batman Strikes! #25
- The Batman Strikes! #26
- The Batman Strikes! #27
- The Batman Strikes! #28
- The Batman Strikes! #29
- The Batman Strikes! #30
- The Batman Strikes! #31
- The Batman Strikes! #32
- The Batman Strikes! #33
- The Batman Strikes! #34
- The Batman Strikes! #35
- The Batman Strikes! #36
- The Batman Strikes! #37
- The Batman Strikes! #38
- The Batman Strikes! #39
- The Batman Strikes! #40
- The Batman Strikes! #41
- The Batman Strikes! #42
- The Batman Strikes! #43
- The Batman Strikes! #44
- The Batman Strikes! #45
- The Batman Strikes! #46
- The Batman Strikes! #47
- The Batman Strikes! #48
- The Batman Strikes! #49
- The Batman Strikes! #50
- The Batman Strikes!: Crime Time (2005)
ISBN: 978-1401205096 - The Batman Strikes!: In Darkest Knight (2005)
- The Batman Strikes!: Duty Calls (2007)
See Also
- Cover Gallery: The Batman Strikes! Vol 1
- Collections from The Batman Strikes! Vol 1
- Images from The Batman Strikes! Vol 1
- Textless Cover Art from The Batman Strikes! Vol 1
- List of Batman titles
- The Batman (TV series)