The Book of Fate was an ongoing series which ran for twelve issues from February 1997 to January 1998, featuring Jared Stevens as Fate, inheritor of Doctor Fate's legacy. The series was a reboot, giving Jared a new origin and starting him over largely from scratch, setting aside most of his previous series, Fate.
- The Book of Fate #1
- The Book of Fate #2
- The Book of Fate #3
- The Book of Fate #4
- The Book of Fate #5
- The Book of Fate #6
- The Book of Fate #7
- The Book of Fate #8
- The Book of Fate #9
- The Book of Fate #10
- The Book of Fate #11
- The Book of Fate #12
See Also
- Doctor Fate Recommended Reading
- The Book of Fate (Volume 1)
- Countdown to Mystery (Volume 1)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 1)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 2)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 3)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 4)
- Fate (Volume 1)
- The Flash (Volume 1): The Flash #306– #313
- Helmet of Fate (Volume 1)
- Immortal Doctor Fate (Volume 1)
- JSA (Volume 1)
- More Fun Comics (Volume 1)
The other Weirdoverse books: