The Boys was an ongoing comic series created by writer Garth Ennis and artist Darick Robertson. The series was a black comedy about a group of vigilantes, led by Billy Butcher, who manage and kill irresponsible and murderous superheroes. The book was full of graphic violence and sex, as well as a strong anti-superhero rhetoric, which made it one of the most controversial comics published at the time.
Initially published by WildStorm Productions, the comic was cancelled after six issues, due to DC Comics not being comfortable with the fact that the series primarily mocked their flagship heroes. The rights were reverted to Ennis and Robertson, who continued the series at Dynamite Entertainment until its end after seventy-two issues. It was later adapted into an Emmy-nominated television series.
- The Boys #1
- The Boys #2
- The Boys #3
- The Boys #4
- The Boys #5
- The Boys #6
- Series continues in Dynamite Entertainment
- Many superheroes and teams within The Boys are direct parodies of DC characters.
- The Seven is a parody of the Justice League of America.
- Homelander is a parody of Superman.
- Queen Maeve is a parody of Wonder Woman.
- Black Noir is a parody of the Batman
- A-Train is a parody of the Flash.
- Jack from Jupiter is a parody of Captain Marvel.
- The Deep is a parody of Aquaman.
- Teenage Kix is a parody of the Teen Titans.
See Also