A mysterious corpse, a stolen item and an alien weapon lead Batman, Green Lantern and Supergirl into a race against time across the galaxy and the centuries to prevent the Luck Lords from stealing the Book of Souls and rewrite the universe's History as they choose.
- The Brave and the Bold (Volume 3) #1 (The Lords of Luck (Part I) - Roulette)
- The Brave and the Bold (Volume 3) #2 (The Lords of Luck (Part II) - Ventura)
- The Brave and the Bold (Volume 3) #3 (The Lords of Luck (Part III) - The Lord of Time)
- The Brave and the Bold (Volume 3) #4 (The Lords of Luck (Part IV) - The Garden of Destiny)
- The Brave and the Bold (Volume 3) #5 (The Lords of Luck (Part V) - The Batman of Tomorrow)
- The Brave and the Bold (Volume 3) #6 (The Lords of Luck (Part VI) - The Girl Who Knew Too Much)
- Other Collections from The Brave and the Bold (Volume 3)
- The Brave and the Bold
- The Brave and the Bold (Volume 3)