DC Database

"Hawkman: "Menace of the Matter Master"": A new costumed criminal named the Matter Master, who has a magic wand that allows him to control all matter, has been sighted around Midway City committing fantastic robberies. When the most recent involved the creation of giant meteor creatures

The Brave and the Bold #35 is an issue of the series The Brave and the Bold (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1961.

Synopsis for Hawkman: "Menace of the Matter Master"

A new costumed criminal named the Matter Master, who has a magic wand that allows him to control all matter, has been sighted around Midway City committing fantastic robberies. When the most recent involved the creation of giant meteor creatures who are robbing the city art center, Hawkman and Hawkgirl go into action to try and stop the theft. The Matter Master manages to get away with the stolen loot by using his powers to make helicopter propellers attack the winged duo.

Later at his secret hideout, the Matter Master gloats over his recent victory are recalls how he gained his fantastic powers: How he was a scientist who accidentally discovered a new chemical, Mentachem, which he then fashioned into his magic wand to use for his own criminal gain.

The Matter Master next uses flowers to rob ancient Egyptian parchments from the Midway City Museum. This does not go unnoticed since Hawkman and Hawkgirl's Earthen alter-egos work at the museum. Using his enhanced sense of smell, Hawkman and Hawkgirl are able to track Matter Master back to his lair. However, the crook anticipated this move and has rigged the room to be air tight and have all it's oxygen siphoned out. However, Hawkman manages to smash the glass domed breathing apparatus the Matter Master is using to breathe, and forces him to turn the air back on. Defeated Matter Master is turned over to the authorities and his stolen loot recovered.

Appearing in Hawkman: "Menace of the Matter Master"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Matter Master (First appearance & origin)
  • Meteor Men (Single appearance)

Other Characters:




  • None

Synopsis for Hawkman: "Valley of Vanishing Men"

Mavis Trent is in the Himalayan mountains trying to find proof of the Abominable Snowman. She thinks she's found it when she sees a hirsute creature walking in the frozen wastes. However this creature's stone axe shoots out sparks which cause her to disappear, leaving behind only her camera behind to be found days later and returned to Midway City.

Learning of Mavis' disappearance in his civilian guise of Carter Hall, Hawkman and Hawkgirl decide to investigate. Because of their use of the Absorbascon, they begin to remember information that they absorbed from all the minds of Earth. Without all the details "remembered" the duo arrive in Tibet, where Hawkgirl becomes a victim of the strange creatures spark shooting clubs. Hawkman then "recalls" that thousands of years ago, aliens from the planet Xardoon crash landed on Earth. To avoid detection they would use a special weapon that would transport any humans they caught to their hidden civilization where they would be rendered inert.

Led to their secret society, Hawkman deduces how the Xardoonians are immune to the effects of their own weapons: contact with wood. Using this to his advantage, Hawkman saves the others and defeats the alien creatures, and convinces them to live in harmony with the people of Earth. Leaving, the winged duo resume their civilian guises and "learn" that Mavis is free and well.

Appearing in Hawkman: "Valley of Vanishing Men"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Abominable Snowmen (Single appearance)

Other Characters:





See Also

Links and References
