DC Database

"Batman and Aquaman: "Sleepwalker From The Sea!"": While trying to stop a theft and murder by Gotham docks, Batman is mysteriously attacked by Aquaman. Suspicious of the Marius Enterprises company, Batman decides to investigate as Bruce Wayne, fei

The Brave and the Bold #82 is an issue of the series The Brave and the Bold (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1969.

Synopsis for Batman and Aquaman: "Sleepwalker From The Sea!"

While trying to stop a theft and murder by Gotham docks, Batman is mysteriously attacked by Aquaman. Suspicious of the Marius Enterprises company, Batman decides to investigate as Bruce Wayne, feigning an interest in donating money to the company's project to build a sea city. However, his knowledge of the goings on puts him at risk and company head Marius orders Aquaman to kill Wayne. Surviving the attempt and bringing Aquaman to Gotham PD headquarters, Batman helps Aquaman snap out of his hypnosis. Aquaman reveals that Marius is really his half-brother Ocean Master.

Together, Batman and Aquaman stop Ocean Master's plot to use the ocean city for hijacking. Although Batman and Aquaman stop the plan and capture all of Ocean Masters accomplices, the Ocean Master escapes with Aquaman trailing behind.

Appearing in Batman and Aquaman: "Sleepwalker From The Sea!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ocean Master (Flashback and main story)
  • Ailsa Dubois (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Otto Chernak (Single appearance; dies)
  • Honor (Bruce Wayne's ex-date) (Single appearance)




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
